Energy landscape for Power to X activities

Power-to-X for sector coupling

Power-to-X climate-neutral sector coupling
Decarbonization by using e-fuels like e-methanol
Sector coupling as an optimzied solution for power to X processes
Green hydrogen has to be transported in a chemical form
e-Methanol can be used to reduce CO2 emissions in shipping
e-Kerosene and sustainable air fuel can be used to decarbonize the aviation sector
e-Ammonia is a green fuel and can be used in the electronic industry
Grid technologies are important in the power to X process
e-Fuels can be used in the chemical industry for CO2 reduction
Illustration depicting a feasibility study analysis, including cost, benefits, and risks assessment for a potential project or business endeavor.
Visual representation of the preliminary engineering and design phase, including concept development, scope definition, and initial project planning for an industrial or engineering project.
Visual representation of the detailed engineering and design phase, encompassing technical specifications, cost estimates, and project planning for an industrial or engineering project.
Icon representing money, depicting currency symbols or financial assets, used to illustrate financial concepts or transactions.
Icon depicting people collaborating on a project, symbolizing teamwork, coordination, and effective project management.
Icon representing deployment tools for software or applications.
Icon depicting after-sales services, representing customer support, maintenance, and assistance provided after a purchase.
Icon representing certification for hydrogen processes.
Overview of technologies available for the production and use of green hydrogen: renewable power, grid connection, electrolysis, H2 compression & auxiliaries, synthesis process, H2 re-electrification
Chemical industry facility with industrial equipment and pipelines for power-to-X process
Hydrogen power plant for green hydrogen production in Chile, the Haru Oni project
Hydrogen power plant in Sweden, the FlagshipONE project
Solar and PV power plant for the e-Methanol project, so called Kasso in Denmark
Hybrid power solutions for a greener world
Integrated electrlyzer and heat pump for renewable integration
hydrogen power plants for renewable integration