
Grid decarbonization (Paving the way to a decarbonized power grid)

We strive for a decarbonized grid through our offerings and our operations

To cope with the growing infeed of fluctuating renewables, the transmission and distribution network needs modernization, expansion, and improvements in efficiency as well as stability. We are increasing the efficiency of our transmission technologies to transport renewable energy to consumers faster, over longer distances, more reliably and with lower losses. In addition, we are expanding our market leading portfolio of SF6-free transmission products and systems. With the blue portfolio we are defining new and exceptionally stringent criteria that far exceed the scope of current safety and environmental standards setting the pace in decarbonization efforts. We are supporting our customers on their path towards decarbonization by offering efficient, reliable products and solutions that reduce both - emissions and costs.

Step by step towards grid decarbonization

Grid Technologies decarbonization landscape

How HVDC and FACTS help to keep the lights on

Maintaining a reliable and efficient power grid is critical during the energy transition. High-voltage direct current (HVDC) and flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) are two technologies that help keep the lights on during our journey towards a decarbonized grid. Renewable energy sources become increasingly prevalent, but they are often located in remote areas far from population centers, where energy demand is high.

HVDC technology enables the transmission of large amounts of electricity over long distances, allowing renewable energy to be efficiently integrated into the grid. FACTS technology, on the other hand, is designed to improve the stability and control of AC power grids. Renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, are inherently variable, which can create instability in the grid.

FACTS help to mitigate these stability issues by improving voltage and power flow control, reducing the risk of blackouts and other power disruptions. Learn more on how these technologies contribute to a more stable, reliable, and sustainable grid by overcoming key challenges associated with the integration of renewable energy sources in the video below.

News and stories

Key Visual Blue small

CO2 neutral Blue products for sustainable and greenhouse gas free power grids – why phasing out F-gases is necessary and feasible


Transformer Magazine Advertorial: Shaping the energy transition with sustainable power transmission