Grid stability and power quality made to measure. The growing number of decentralized renewables is making it much more difficult to ensure reliable and stable grid operation. Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) are the perfect solution for increasing the reliability of AC grids, ensuring stability, and boosting transmission efficiency. With these modular and customized flexible AC transmission systems solutions from a single source, high voltage fluctuations and power failures can be prevented, network assets can be optimally utilized, and load-induced disturbances can be mitigated. Siemens Energy supports customers around the world with innovative FACTS to help them master the challenges of energy transitions.
An innovative portfolio of technology to meet today’s transmission challenges
Flexible AC transmission systems help to stabilize grids to meet todays’ challenges in power transmission. Stay ahead with Siemens Energy long-term, flexible and sustainable innovations based on proven power electronics to shape future grids.
FACTS for a CO₂ free power supply
Introducing FACTS
Explore our solutions for grid resilience
Siemens Energy is active worldwide and has proven experience with all technical and environmental challenges in transmission grids. Even industries worldwide rely on solutions from Siemens Energy to optimize their power supply for smooth operation and compliance to utility regulations. With Flexible AC transmission system projects executed up to the highest voltage level over the whole FACTS portfolio Siemens Energy can call oneself world market and technology leader.
Discover our flexible AC transmission systems solutions:
The innovative SVC PLUS® for reactive power compensation is a cost efficient, space saving, flexible solution to increase dynamic stability and power quality of the grid, based on multilevel voltage-source converter (VSC) technology.
An SVC PLUS® frequency stabilizer is able to emulating system inertia by boosting high active power into the grid when needed. It also offers voltage support by means of reactive power compensation.
Synchronous condensers offer grid stability e.g. for transmission systems with a high amount of renewable infeed by providing short-circuit power, inertia and reactive power compensation.
The fixed series capacitor (FSC) is part of the series compensation portfolio and makes use of capacitors. They provide an increase in transmission system stability and capacity for power transmission.
Mechanically switched devices (MSC/MSCDN) are the most economical reactive power compensation devices. MSCs are a robust solution for voltage control and network stabilization under steady state conditions. The MSCDN additionally offers a damping network to avoid resonance conditions in the electrical system.
The unified power flow controller (UPFC PLUS®) controls power flow in just milliseconds thus stabilizes the AC grid even in critical situations (Grid code N-1). UPFC PLUS lets you get the most from your existing grid capacity while maintaining maximum protection.
Grid-forming enables a stable grid voltage without relying on external grid reference. It's reducing dependence on external influences/reference sources and sustain voltage and frequency during disturbances and load changes.
Our high-voltage solutions, products and services enable efficient, loss-minimal transportation of renewable energy to global cities and hubs. Leveraging cutting-edge digital technologies, we optimize grid performance, even when dealing with large volumes of fluctuating energy and ultra-short-term renewable energy storage.
Siemens Energy provides grid stabilization solutions to address even the most complex problems and network instability. We are also developing new solutions to manage current and future grid challenges while improving transmission system stability and performance.
Mastering the integration of renewables by stabilizing the grid
The ongoing energy transition leads to substantial new challenges for the safe operation of our transmission grid. This need is covered by the increased use of grid stabilizing solutions, such as synchronous condensers with additional flywheels, and STATCOMs with multiuse capabilities. For the future we see a further need for new solutions providing instantaneous reserve and for grid-forming control concepts.
Klaus Wewering, Head of Operations and Engineering at the German grid operator Amprion GmbH
Siemens Energy is active on all continents. With references worldwide Siemens Energy has proven experience with all global environmental challenges. With FACTS projects executed up to the highest voltage level over the whole FACTS portfolio Siemens Energy can call itself a world market and technology leader both in the industry and utility environment. To live up to this statement, Siemens Energy continues to work on improvements and innovations to further adapt the FACTS portfolio to the needs of energy networks.
Without power factor correction the power lines and other equipment would be utilized with reactive power which limits utilization with active power and will not operate at optimal condition.
Since power is produced on demand, it's critical to ensure that the power system frequency and voltage remains within nominal ranges. Maintaining this balance is necessary to keep the power grid stable and efficient.
FACTS are power electronic based devices used to improve the controllability and increase the power transfer capability of AC transmission systems by absorbing and providing of reactive power.
FACTS can provide high dynamic reactive power to respond to voltage fluctuations caused by load changes or faults in the grid.
Grid-forming FACTS devices can operate on very weak grids, while grid-following devices require a more stable grid. Grid-forming devices use their built-in active power source to respond inherent to grid events.
Main additional features are:
· active harmonic filtering up to four different harmonics simultaneously